23.2.2011 | 21:22
Ef icesave mįliš er ekki žaš stórt ķ huga fjįrmįlarįšherra...
Er žaš žį ekki enn minna mįl fyrir breta og hollendinga?
Viš ęttum ekki aš lįta kśga okkur til aš borga helling fyrir eitthvaš smįmįl.
Heimurinn viršist standa meš okkur , bretland og holland eru bara 2 bitur lönd.
Icesave-mįliš ekki žaš stórt | |
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt |
Um bloggiš
Fokk Eu!
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Uppfęrt į 3 mķn. fresti.
Heimurinn viršist standa meš okkur , bretland og holland eru bara 2 bitur lönd
You read too many Icelandic newspapers my friend. I think you would be bitter if money was stolen from you........Carry on dreaming. The only solution is to take this to Court......Trouble is it will cost you a fortune........ Can you name one single foreign Government that "Stands with you".... How silly and childish..........The British and the Dutch want this to go to court.....This IceSave is approximately 3% of the total that the Iceland Government owes........The British and Dutch do not want the Icelandic Public to pay... They just want the Icelandic Government to pay for the money that was stolen from them. Where the Icelandic Government gets the money from is up to them.....They seem to want the Icelandic Public to pay, and not your Icelandic Gangsters, Mafia Bankers and the people who borrowed money to buy big Jeeps and Houses that they could not afford....Your fighting a loosing battle my friend.....sorry
Fair Play (IP-tala skrįš) 23.2.2011 kl. 22:05
The British and Dutch do not want the Icelandic Public to pay... They just want the Icelandic Government to pay for the money that was stolen from them........
og kvašan koma penningarnir sem rķkiš į...... jś okkur FÓLKINU. og ef Bretar og Hollendingar eru svona vošalega góšir hvķ voru žeir žį aš bjóša okkur svona ROSA GÓŠA VEXTI...žessum Bretum og Hollendingum er skķt sama hvašan žessir peningar koma.
Ég vill borga žaš sem ég skulda en ekki žaš sem ašrir skulda. var landsbankinn ekki einkafyrirtęki og hvernig tengist ég žį žessari skuld.
Žaš į bara aš selja žaš sem gamli Landsbankinn į og borga meš žeim peningum,,,,og move on
Magni Kristjįnsson, 23.2.2011 kl. 23:06
Welcome my friend! how do you like Iceland? Are you british or dutch? I am bitter and I want this to go to court!
If the british and dutch governments want to go to court why haven't they tried to do so already? why were they trying to negotiate with the crappiest government Iceland has ever had?
The people here do not really trust the government to handle our matters and I think they know that, but they know this Icelandic government wants to join the EU and know that they will do anything to get there even though the majority of Icelandic citizens do not want to join EU.
I think this matter will set an example for the world and I believe the people around the world will not want to be forced to pay for private bank debts.
Also britain is home to most of the icelandic mafia bank gangsters, one was even wanted by the interpol for questioning but the british government just let him walk around london in peace, wtf?
Anyways thanks for trying to pull me to the ground that's very smart and the grown up thing to do, but I'm gonna dream on like a silly child untill the court decides... :)
And just to clarify I have nothing against the british or dutch people in general, only those who are trying to force us to pay for this mess.
Pįll Žorsteinsson, 23.2.2011 kl. 23:13
why were they trying to negotiate with the crappiest government Iceland has ever had? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH,,,,,,,,
So True
Magni Kristjįnsson, 23.2.2011 kl. 23:22
Eins og śr mķnum munni komiš, (finst eins og eg žekki žig)
Svo ertu aš kalla žig Fair Play,,,my ass
Hvaš ertu aš rugla talandi eins og Bretar og hollendingar séu svo mikil fórnarlömb og saklaus
Magni Kristjįnsson, 23.2.2011 kl. 23:27
Ég vill borga žaš sem ég skulda en ekki žaš sem ašrir skulda.
That is good news........When are y'all going to pay for all those Range Rovers.......
You loved the "Utrasavikingar"
"You Ain't seen nothing yet" said Oli Gris! So proud...
and now you are just a little country that the big boys are bullying.?
You must admit, it all sounds a bit pathetic?
Good luck
Pay now and save a lot of money
You are talking about 3% of the Icelandic Debt here!!!!
Keep smiling
Regards from Los Angeles
Fair Play (IP-tala skrįš) 23.2.2011 kl. 23:52
Hvaš ertu aš rugla talandi eins og Bretar og hollendingar séu svo mikil fórnarlömb og saklaus
Magni.......My dear simple friend....
Brit Bank sets up a "save with us!!!" on the net...They say "invest with us".....They flood Icelandic Television and Newspapers with.....We are "BritSave".....The british and the Icelanders invest their money because the flood of Adverts and the television say "Guaranteed by the British Government"............Brit Bank goes bust...........All the Brits get their money.......The Icelanders get fuck all....
Work it out friend...
Fair Play (IP-tala skrįš) 24.2.2011 kl. 00:03
It is believed the bank's properties cover about 80-90% of the fallen banks debts, if the british and the dutch governments really want to be our friends (EU) and this icesave matter is not such a big deal why dont they for example just take those 80-90 % and let us pay the rest of the debt with no interest?
EU and therefore also Britan and the Netherlands, are actually giving us now about 8.5 million dollars to be used to spread how the EU is awesome for us, They want us more than the majority of the Icelandic people want them. WTF? this is retarded.
"Brit Bank sets up a "save with us!!!" on the net...They say "invest with us".....They flood Icelandic Television and Newspapers with.....We are "BritSave".....The british and the Icelanders invest their money because the flood of Adverts and the television say "Guaranteed by the British Government"............Brit Bank goes bust...........All the Brits get their money.......The Icelanders get fuck all....
First off alot of innocent people here did lose alot of money in the icelandic bank collapse, probably a bigger percentage of people than of the british or dutch.
There are scammers everywhere and people got scammed here aswell into taking all kinds of loans in different currencies and putting their money in high interest bank accounts with promises of no risk and now they are fucked.
People should be cautious wherever they are in the world, and don't believe everything they read, see or hear....
And the Britsh government let's the people who started those icesave bank accounts live free in Britan and do business in Britain and live in big houses with lots of money in Britain.
Think about that for awhile...
I think Ólafur Ragnar is sincerely trying to make amends to the people here, by giving the power to the people in the icesave matter, unlike our current government who are just scared, nervous, lying power greedy fools, much like their predecessor's minus the scared, nervous part.
You seem to have some connection to iceland since you know our presidents nickname and you feel the need to comment on my blog and apparently you read icelandic and what not, or are you just browsing the net using google translate?
Anyways I suggest you chill and relax in the sun in LA with your medical 420 card and enjoy life rather than spending your time reading Icelandic news on the net and posting on icelandic blogs about Icesave :)
If you do feel the need to comment again though, feel free to do so. You are always welcome here.
All the best
Pįll Žorsteinsson, 24.2.2011 kl. 01:39
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.